Kilbrittain  2-7   Valley Rovers 2-3 

September 28th   in Bandon






      The final of the West Cork Divisional Hurling Championship was decided at Bandon on Sunday last when Kilbrittain regained their title as champions. The game, though at times closely contested, was not productive of real fine hurling and for almost ten minutes in the second moiety was devoid of spectacular interest. For a final the standard of hurling did not come up to expectations, in fact, there was not what could reasonably be termed one phase of scientific play during the hour. The marking was for the most part close, and this fact, in itself, would tend to account for the absence of brilliance from the game.

     However, the game was played in the best spirit by both teams and, as was subsequently admitted by a member of the Valley Rovers’ Club, the best team won. The victors played a most determined game from the start and their determination and dogged fighting tactics pulled them through.

      C. Crowley, the O’Hea brothers, Murphy, Roche, Mulhall and Barrett contributed a noble part towards bringing victory to the winners. For the losers, the goalman Daniels, did marvellous work. Madden, Cronin, Russell, Deasy and a few others were a true lot. Dr Callanan was again an outstanding figure, but he did not reproduce his form as shown in his display at Skibbereen a few weeks ago.

       The ground was in excellent trim. As to the arrangements, which were in the hands of the Bandon G.A.A. Club, there was nothing to grumble about. The stewarding of the field during the game was performed by members of the Clonakilty Club. The referee’s task was an easy one. Fouls were few, and those that did occur were merely minor breaches. The attendance was good, but not up to last year’s dimensions (as far as I could judge).


       Both teams fielded out prior to the scheduled time. The Rovers broke away at the start and penetrating from the right wing, were credited with an early lead of a point. The puck out put the Kilbrittain forwards in possession. A Valley Rovers’ player received a slight injury but resumed play. The Rovers’ defence line were next on their mettle against a sweeping attack initiated by C. Crowley. Russell (Rovers) cleared but the leather was instantly returned by Murphy, and some very anxious moments in the Rovers’ territory ensued.

       A ground shot from Sheehy on the right wing brought a good opening for a Kilbrittain forward. A goal seemed imminent, when the goalman, Daniels, affected a splendid save. A ‘70’ followed but this did not bring any further result. C. Crowley, who was playing an elusive but sound game, sent a high ball to the left wing. Mulhall, from a difficult angle, redoubled in the air, and sent over a lovely point. The scores were now level with a point each.

     The Kilbrittain back lines were fast to clear. Their forwards were again in possession but Daniels again did the needful for his side with a fine clearance. A foul in the Rovers’ territory brought a further point to Kilbrittain from a free by D. O’Hea. Some interesting encounters were being fought out at centre field where D. O’Hea and Murphy and their rivals, Hawkins and Dempsey, were operating.

      Valley Rovers’ defence, against very persistent attacks, was sound, but the clearances were more often than not of a temporary nature. Kilbrittain’s third point came a few minutes later from a free by Dan O’Hea, who sent the sphere fair between the sticks. The opposition replied a few minutes later with a similar score. Valley Rovers invaded their opponents’ territory, where Mulhall and Barrett combined to affect a timely clearance.

       Kilbrittain were awarded another free. This was again taken by D. O’Hea, who registered another minor for his side. Kilbrittain now had a lead of 4 points to 2, and play. For a brief spell, was fast and clean. Dr. Callanan sent a fast low ground shot from the right wing. Roche and Harrington saved their wing in stern fashion and a long delivery from D. O’Hea transferred operations to the other extremity.

       Madden (Valley Rovers) who was playing a steady, consistent game, brought off a fine clearance. A ‘70’ for Valley Rovers was taken by Dr. Callanan, who registered a nice point, leaving his side but one point in arrears at the half-time whistle.

       Half-time scores: -

       Kilbrittain – 4 points.

       Valley Rovers – 3 points.



      On resuming play, Kilbrittain moved to attack. A hard shot from a difficult angle was saved by Daniels, but the rebound of the leather put the full forward in possession, who banged into the net for the opening goal of the match. Kilbrittain added two points a few minutes later and were now leading by six points.

       The subsequent phases of play were of a rather monotonous nature and lacked dash and vitality. There was a good deal of missing on both sides. After a lapse of 6 or 7 minutes, fresh interest was added to the game when the Rovers flashed through a goal. The team played with a new vigour and outclassed their opponents at all stages.

         The enthusiasm of their supporters knew no bounds when they broke through for their second goal a few seconds later. Scores were now level for the second time during the game and the display of hurling at this stage of the game was the best witnessed during the hour. Kilbrittain continued to have the better of the exchanges. Mulhall registered a point from midfield, and a few minutes later after a determined tussle in front of the Rovers’ posts ended in a goal for Kilbrittain. The final scores were: -

      KILBRITTAIN  -  2 goals 7 points.

      VALLEY ROVERS  -  2 goals 3 points.

     Referee – Mr D. O’Donovan, Clonakilty.

      The teams were –

       Valley Rovers – R. Russell (capt..), P. Dempsey, J. Daniels, J. Madden, T. Finn. D. Hawkins, D. Cronin, Dr Callanan, Wm. McNamara, Thos. Kelleher, John O’Sullivan, Jerh. Deasy, Tim McCarthy, John Murphy, Wm. Russell.  

       Kilbrittain – Jas. Barrett (capt..), Edward Barrett, Timothy Murphy, Con Crowley, Dan Hallanan, Nick Mulhall, Con Harrington, Wm. Mahony, P. Roche, John Roche, David O’Hea, John Cummins, Ml. O’Hea, Joseph McCarthy, Patrick Cotter.




Bandon Notes

“The hurling match in the ‘Bogs’ on Sunday between Innishannon and Kilbrittain was a very spirited one. A large crowd of enthusiasts watched the game. The weather was splendid and the situation of the ‘Bogs’ on a day like Sunday, ideal, so everyone enjoyed themselves. The Kilbrittains were the victors.”



Kilbrittain met Kinsale in the first round of the county championship in Bandon on October 26th. The Kinsale men had beaten Tracton in the S.E. final and proved too strong for the Black and Amber, leading by 4-1 to 1-1 at the break and by 7-2 to 1-1 at the final whistle.



Clonakilty beat Skibbereen by 2-2 to 1-1 on April 6th in Skibbereen.

Bantry beat Dohenys by 6-0 to 2-0 on April 6th in Bantry.



Tournaments were very prestigious events in those years and Kilbrittain ran a hurling tournament. In the semi-final they beat Bandon intermediates by 2-5 to 2-0 and then beat Éire Óg by a single point, 2-3 to 1-5, in the final.



The teams involved in the Clonakilty Hurling Tournament included –

Ballinora v School of Commerce;   

Kilmeen v Bandon:

Valley Rovers v Cloughduv;

Ballincollig v Rochestown;

Éire Óg v Skibbereen;

Ballinhassig v Clonakilty;

St. Mary’s v Kilbrittain




Ballyhea 3-1,  Kinsale 0-2, December 21st ,  in Cork Athletic Grounds.


 Kilbrittain:  South-West Junior Hurling Champions  1930


The Hurlers of Kilbrittain


Sure my heart with joy is beating

And the tears of friendship flow,

While recalling of Kilbrittain

And the hurlers long ago.

Heroes’ names enshrined in memory,

Redolent with deeds sublime,

Ring again in mystic grandeur

Down the corridors of time.



There is gallant Patrick Coughlan –

Best and grandest of them all –

At that matchless Gaelic pastime

When the camán plied the ball;

Den Hallissey – God bless you!-

Your name inspires today;

And sure there’s with us Pat Ahern

And the peerless James O’Hea.



Oft, indeed, the valleys echoed

To the thunders of ‘Well done’;

And the wondrous deeds performed

When the game was once begun.

Champions of the Rebel County!

Victors in the swinging fray!

Deathless glory is the heirloom

Of the men of yesterday.



But, thank God, there are successors

To these worthy men of yore;

For the youngsters of the parish

Are fast coming to the fore:

They are welcome, they are welcome,

Show your spirit and be men;

Think of grand old Patrick Coughlan

Fagh a’ Ballagh, boys again.

(This poem was written by William Kearney of San Francisco and appeared in the ‘Southern Star’ of September, 1929, after Bandon had beaten Kilbrittain in the SW final. The poem referred to the Kilbrittain hurlers of pre-GAA days and the only survivors in 1929 were ‘gallant Patrick Coughlan,’ and ‘peerless James O’Hea,’ who was 90 years of age at that time.)



Back (L to R) John Crowley, - Grady, Con Kingston, Dan Hurley, Dan O’Donovan, Jim Curran, Connie O’Driscoll.

Middle (L to R) Con ‘Sam’ Collins, Mick Madden, M. O’Regan, D. Warren, Jer O’Regan, J. Allman.

Front (L to R) P. Madden, Ger ‘Gull’ Leahy, - Dowling, Mick Bateman, Jack Lombard, Dan O’Sullivan.