Bandon 6-1   Darrara College 4-2   

September 8th  in  Timoleague



      At Timoleague on Sunday Bandon succeeded in retaining divisional honours in junior hurling when they defeated Darrara on the above score.

      Last year’s champions had to travel all the way in a most strenuous hour’s hurling in order to repeat their victory of a year ago, and in so doing rather surprised many of their followers, who at the interval were prepared for the worst. Darrara’s College boys came with a big reputation gained by their previous convincing successes, and by the systematic ordinances of a tutorial regime which included steady practice with the camán; and they were at least hopeful that, for the first time, they would carry the coveted cup ‘back to the farm.’ Bandon, on the other hand, were by no means sanguine, but opined, that in any event, it would be a close affair. Their conjecture was right, for the issue was more close than their margin of victory would suggest.

      It was a second-half renaissance that turned the tide in their favour, and which was typical of many of their prior successful achievements. The final reckoning did not by any means flatter the victors, who earned every point of it. How they gained the winning balance may be told in a few words. A point in arrears at the interval, they were a goal further in debt after five minutes of the second half had gone. A clever goal by O’Leary, however, gave them heart, and, getting down to business, they policed their rivals to such advantage that the Collegians were given no room for effective operations, and were ousted time and again in close-up duels, which spoiled them of effective openings.

      Indeed, it was this rigid marking that gave Bandon the decision, for the superiority thus gained seemed to infuse new energy into them, and they played with real dash for the last twenty minutes in attacking, spoiling, thwarting. But there were vital human factors that facilitated those tactics; they were the giants of the fray, like Red Crowley, McCarthy, Smith, Reen and O’Leary, all of whom got through a tremendous amount of work, Crowley being as usual outstanding and a hundred per cent match winner. His long drives, as well as those of McCarthy and O’Leary, in the second moiety always made matters comparatively easy for their defence forces, while giving the forwards no excuse on the score of service.

      Darrara were frequently dangerous when in possession, for they had some clever and accurate hurlers like Vaughan, O’Riordan, Hearne, Walsh, Cusack and Murchie, while their full back, Coghlan, gave a brilliant display. He team as a whole failed to fulfil the promise they gave in the first half and, except for a recovery five minutes from the end, could not counter the spoiling movements of the ‘Lilies,’ and were, therefore, outbid and out-manoeuvred. The game was played in a very clean, sporting manner, and the popular referee, Mr. Mark Foley, had a happy time. The pace, which in the first half fluctuated between fast and dull, became a cracker in the second moiety and seemed to gain momentum as the sands of the hour-glass were running out, culminating in flashes which showed the winners to be the better men.


Darrara’s Early Lead

Darrara set us counting very early, for in the second minute they were a point to the good, secured by Walsh, before Bandon’s defence had positioned itself. Bandon applied pressure and McCarthy in the ‘College’ goal saved twice in succession, after which T. O’Brien sent over. Tobin beat off a Darrara attack, and Ellis and Reen went close. Another Darrara offensive was cleared by Crowley, and O’Leary with a fine movement was unlucky to miss the objective.

      Vaughan let his forwards away, but the mission was fruitless, and in a repetition of the movement, they were foiled by McCarthy, whose lengthy passes were not connected with by Bandon’s forwards, who, however, had more than a handful in Coughlan. Play now became more fast and methodical and both ends had narrow shaves before Darrara added a goal per Hearne, whose long puck seemed to be covered by Downing, who, however, could only parry it.

       The College boys hereabouts moved like confident winners, and Bandon’s forwards were not impressive in their efforts to convert. Both sides continued to fight strenuously, and at length Bandon were rewarded for their perseverance when Reen netted from a picture pass from O’Leary. After Downing cleared a stinging shot from Vaughan, Bandon took the lead with a goal, again from Reen, with a beautiful overhead stroke.

     This lead stimulated Bandon’s attack, which applied great pressure, only to find Cusack, Coghlan and the custodian in sparkling form, the last-mentioned saving two rasping shots from Hurley and O’Leary. It was now a tough struggle for the lead, and there some grand individual efforts, the honour eventually falling to Darrara, who had another goal from Hearne, who was placed in position by O’Riordan, the result not being flattering to Bandon’s defence.

     While there was nothing brilliant about the contest to the interval, the keenness of the struggle invested it with unabated interest, which was enhanced when Darrara again raised the green flag, but the score was disallowed. Both sides had overs in turn but there was no further score to the interval, which left Darrara deserving leaders by the minimum margin: - Darrara, 2-1; Bandon, 2-0.


 Bandon Recover

     Vaughan sent wide in the beginning of the second period, and in the following exchanges Bandon had the major share of overs, while Downing made a great save, but was unable to recover his stance before Darrara returned to increase their lead with a goal per Walsh. Almost from the puck-out this was negatived when a long drive by Crowley was improved upon Ellis and a ‘70’ was forced, Crowley’s puck being turned by Reen to O’Leary, who left McCarthy helpless with a whizzing drive.

      Two minutes later, Bandon secured the equaliser when Reen shot unerringly from the wing. This marked the turning point in the fortunes of the Bandonians, who grappled with their work with reckless endeavour, hitting long, strong and accurately and giving the others no room for aggressiveness. A breathless attack on Darrara’s goal was eaten off after great defence work, but the respite was only temporary and Bandon worked up again, Crowley’s pass being sent all the way for a major score by O’Leary, this leaving them the leader’s once more.

      The lead was increased by them three minutes later when Reen first-timed Crowley’s transfer, making the margin two goals. Bandon were now decidedly superior, though the College made a few likely efforts. From a touch-line puck, Holmes set the Darrara forwards going, and Walsh registered a goal, to raise the hopes of his side once more. Excellent hurling followed, but Bandon w showing the better mettle, which was emphasized when they restored the lead following a goal-mouth ruck. Fast, clean striking was the order and the spectators were keyed up to a torrid pitch of excitement, as now one side, now the other, was alternately attacking and defending.   

     Darrara, seeking to make the most of the brief spell remaining fought back with recovered vigour and we were wondering what would happen next when they reduced their deficit by a point, scored by Vaughan, which was followed by a mass assault on the opposition area, but the defence rose to the occasion. There was no further score and Bandon won well as stated. Teams –

       Bandon – P. Downing (goal), M. Tobin, J. Gabriel, P. Roche, E. Smith, J. O’Donovan, J. McCarthy, R. Crowley (capt..), W. Ellis, T. Gabriel, J. Reen (Ring?), H. O’Brien, C. Harrington, H. O’Leary, D. Hurley.

       Darrara – T. McCarthy (goal), J. Coghlan, P. Cusack, P. O’Sullivan, M. Farrell, T. O’Neill, B. White, E. O’Riordan, R. Holmes, T. Vaughan, P. Walsh, W. Murchie, B. Halloran, P. Hearne, C. Horgan.   



Bandon met Aghada  in the county championship on October 13th in the Cork Athletic Grounds, the bad weather resulting in a small attendance. The first half was evenly contested, Aghada leading by 1-0 to 0-1 at the break. The second half saw Aghada pulling away on the score-board although the final score of  6-2 to 1-2 did little justice to the efforts of the ‘Lilywhites.’




Castlemartyr and Mayfield met four times in the final but the fourth game had to be abandoned and the championship was declared null and void.

Darrara Agricultural College 1935


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